Thursday, March 23, 2017

Spring is springing dining room style!

I'm generally not one to decorate for seasons (unless it's Christmas), but spring is my thing. I love flowers. If I could have a cooler full of flowers in my house I would. Heck I would live in the flower cooler...Might as well be my whole house. So, lately I've been adding spring touches here and there in our home. I have only been using decor from my storage room to add the spring vibe. So, today I am sharing our dining room.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just love all your spring flowery touches! This is the prettiest time of year! I love any and all florals as well! How many exclamations can I use in one paragraph?! 😂 Your creativity is such an inspiration. Makes me think I need to think outside the box and go back to using my creativity which hasn't been tapped into too much since becoming a mom. It's a tough balance, but you give me hope! 😉
    Allison (from @graylittlehouse :) )
